Peekaboo Photos and
Skye Johansen Photography are hosting a project for anyone who would like to join in.
The goal is to get 52 pictures of you with your children (one photo a week). This project is to push yourself and to try new things. If you already take photographs with you and your kids together, come up with a different challenge of something you wouldn't normally do. Maybe you need more photos of your kids by themselves, or dressed up, etc.
If you don't have children, you can take photos of yourself with friends or with animals etc.
The project will end at the end of January 2010.
The first 10 people to email
Peekaboo Photos and
Skye Johansen Photography during January 2010 will get $100 off a January or February session. The one who has the most creative pictures will get a
FREE session and a
FREE album.There are also more prizes to be added throughout the year.
Get your cameras and start today. If you are behind, hurry and catch up!